Issue 3.2.24 ~ all the feels
all the feels
Welcome to
WHISPERshout Poetry Magazine, Issue 3, Number 2, 2024
Welcome to our 2nd issue for March! Here you’ll find new original poems by kids ages 4-12, often with accompanying artwork and sometimes photos.
and to comment on what you read here.
This month’s second issue features a dozen poems by 2nd graders, with one 4th grader along for the ride. From terrified to joyful, from acrostic to concrete, from places inside and out, these poets have feelings to share.
“Jump Scared” by Alex, 2nd grade
When we get scared, the deep “reptile” part of our brain activates and the front brain, the part that keeps us organized, turns off. In this poem Alex’s words are a little scrambled and really bring that feeling of “so scared we can’t think straight!”
“a day of daughter and mom” by Brianna, 2nd grade
“when the laughing goes/oh it goes in my heart” 💕
In this poem Brianna uses just ten lines to share a whole day of fun and love with her mom.
“candlelight” by Alessia, 2nd grade
In this concrete poem, which is shaped to look like what it’s about, Alessia uses a single word to gather a flame and send it up, filling the room with light.
“good” by Ting Chen, 2nd grade, MD
Notice how the poet Ting Chen takes a simple, common word like “good” and uses it again and again to make us think about good in new ways!
“Cumulonimbus morning” by Sofija, 4th grade
In this poem full of sound, smell, taste and texture, Sofija captures a morning colored by a cloudy “rainbow of grays.” Have you ever had that kind of day?
“here for me, here for you” by Jacob - 2nd grade
Here Jacob starts with a traditional rhyme that we’ve all heard, but then changes it up and makes the poem his own. He ends not with flowers like roses and violets, but with feelings like weather, reminding us that we can be there for people through all kinds of experiences.
“the place” by Airanna. - 2nd grade
In this poem “the place” is somewhere we can see and seek, but it feels somehow secret too, small and cozy and black. Lovely.
”FRIENDS” by Bethlehem - 2nd grade
Here Bethlehem has written an acrostic poem that includes a whole new word: everloading! Friends hanging out together, maybe netting fish, maybe setting plans, really does bring everloading happiness.
POEM #10
“Poems” by Kellan - 2nd grade
Here Kellan writes a poem ABOUT poems! A poem about poetry has a special name, ars poetica, and here Kellan gets it exactly right: poems can seem a little quiet, maybe even a little boring, until you really listen…and then they turn out to be big and important and powerful!
There are our ten poems for this issue—which ones carried feelings that YOU recognized? Let us know by leaving a comment below! Look for our next issue in April…and maybe you’ll see YOUR poem featured! Click the SUBMIT button to get started.
Thanks for reading!
The Editorial We
If you are a teacher developing a poetry habit in your classroom, you might find that each issue of WHISPERshout Magazine is all the lesson you need.
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