Tiny Enormous

In this small-group workshop for Grades 1-5, we'll step outside to collect tiny nature objects. Then, using jeweler’s loupes, we’ll examine each object closely, asking “What does it remind me of? Why is it like that?” These metaphorical ideas will lead to some ENORMOUS poems about tiny things, as well as artworks made from our close-up sketches. At the last session families will be invited to a presentation of our writing and artwork, and students will take home their own copy of our published anthology!

Fall I Session registering now for Grades 1-5 at
Rock View ES
7 Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, 9/11-10/23
Rock Creek Forest ES [on KIDDO]
6 Thursdays, 4-5:30 pm, 9/12 - 10/24